Dose-dependent response of serum lutein and macular pigment optical density to supplementation with lutein esters
Richard A. Bonea, and John T. Landrumb
a Department of Physics, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA
b Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Volume 504, Issue 1, 1 December 2010, Pages 50-55
We conducted a study to determine the effect of different doses of a lutein supplement on serum lutein concentration and macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Lutein is one of the major components of human macular pigment. Eighty-seven subjects received daily doses of 5, 10, or 20 mg of lutein, or a placebo, over a 140 day period. Serum lutein concentration was determined by HPLC and MPOD by heterochromatic flicker photometry (HFP). Serum lutein responded positively, except in the placebo group, reaching a plateau that, averaged for each dosage group, was linearly dependent on dose. Likewise MPOD, on average, increased at a rate that varied linearly with dose. For subjects deemed more proficient at HFP, approximately 29% of the variability in MPOD response could be attributed to a linear dependence on the fractional change in serum lutein concentration. We did not detect any significant influence of age on serum lutein uptake or MPOD response.
AMD(視網膜黃斑病變)會影響視網膜中央凹窩黃斑部導致中心部位視力喪失,AMD(視網膜黃斑病變)影響全球3000萬人,並且是造成50歲以上人口失明的主要原因。類胡羅蔔素 葉黃素(lutein) and 玉米黃素(zeaxanthin) 可以保護閃光對眼睛視網膜黃斑部的傷害。 之前已經有研究證實 類胡羅蔔 葉黃素(lutein) and 玉米黃素(zeaxanthin) 改善眼睛視網膜黃斑部年齡退化的問題。 40 個平均年齡 23 歲的研究對象,每天服用 葉黃素(lutein 10mg) 玉米黃素(zeaxanthin 2mg) ,期間為六個月 閃光常見於陽光下,或電腦螢幕。 研究者研究 macular pigment optical density (MPOD) 黃斑色素光學密度的變化,從一開始的 0.41 到 6個月後的 0.57。 研究發現維他命B群中的葉酸、B6、B12可以保護視網膜裡面的黃斑部 (macular),視網膜裡面的黃斑部的損害是老年人眼盲的主要原因。 在有安慰劑的對照組實驗中,服用維他命B群葉酸、B6、B12 的一組黃斑布退化人數是55人,對照組是82人。服用維他命B群葉酸、B6、B12可以減少41%黃斑部的退化。維他命B群葉酸、B6、B12可以減少 同半胱胺酸 homocysteine 這種有害的胺基酸,過量的同半胱胺酸 homocysteine 會損害視網膜裡面的黃斑部 (macular)。臨床報告指出每天補充30mg葉黃素酯化物140天,會讓血中濃度增加7倍,MPOD(眼內黃斑色素的濃度)增加20-40%,含高純度30mg之葉黃素Lutein經使用7~10天對飛蚊症者可改善,其進步狀況甚佳,臨床試驗報告僅2~4週,對高度近視患者的視力敏銳度(visual acuity)及中心視野範圍(central visual-field)有明顯改善; 以往的研究均報導AMD(視網膜黃斑病變)與Lutein、Zeaxanthin的缺乏有關,藉由吸收可能造成黃斑部傷害的藍光和避免自由基影響眼睛細胞,並增強眼睛細胞膜的作用,葉黃素及玉米黃素的補充證實可以減少AMD(視網膜黃斑病變)的危險因素。
Studies Support efficacy of Xanglod Lutein for eye health.
10/5/2007–A new human study has shown that cognis' Xangold Lutein and Zeaxanthin ingredient is effective at boosting the eye health of those with early-stage age-related macular degeneration(AMD)
美國葉黃素(lutein)經人體試驗證實可改善老年性視網膜黃斑病變。該臨床由德國St.Franziskus Hospital Opthalmology主導,評估每天服用12mg Lutein, 6個月後測108位,平均72歲有早期老年性視網膜黃斑病變者眼中黃斑色素之濃度MPOD(Macular pigment optical density)。該研究以108個有早期AMD(視網膜黃斑病變)症狀者,每天給予抗氧化劑6個月,包括12mg的Lutein ester,1mg Zeaxanthin,120mg Viramin C,17.6mg Viitamin E,10mg Zinc,40mcg Selenium,控制組28人均為服用其他產品。研究報告顯示實驗組的Lutein血中濃度增加4倍(由0.16mcg/ml baseline 增加到0.593mcg/ml after 36 weeks),黃斑色素的濃度顯著的增加了16%。而且有25%的實驗組的受試者其MPOD(眼內黃斑色素的濃度)甚至增加了50%,而控制組不變,綜合各方面數據和眼睛黃斑色素的特質。研究者推論補充Lutein和Zeaxanthin可以延緩,預防並改善AMD。並得到一個結論"Xangold的Lutein很容易吸收,並會使血中濃度和黃斑色素的濃度增加。臨床研究印證長期補充視黃醇及黍黃素可有效預防(1)視網膜黃斑病變(2)糖尿病視網膜病變(3)降低白內障摘除手術。(4)高度近視及嚴重淚腺.退化乾眼症.飛蚊症…~飛蚊症(鞏膜內透明膠狀體產生浮動的條狀、絲狀或塊狀陰影。)